shell collection

Image: example only - shell mosaic 

I will be holding a special workshop to celebrate Seniors Week so its time to dig out the shell collection and get along to this workshop at Moonah Arts Centre on Friday 20th of October, 10.30-2 pm 

Bookings by email or phone text or 0448281897 

A light lunch will be provided and this workshop will be at a very special Seniors Week rate $55.00 per person, payment by invoice, cash or card on the day.

Bring along any special items you want to add to your mosaic and I will have my own shell collection to help out as well.

The Seniors Week Program can be viewed here and I am on page 44


Comments (1 Response)

27 November, 2023

Ann Kerley

Hello Sue
I live in Sydney but have not seen any workshop like this before in our state. Would it be possible to get some notes on know-how from you on the class, subject to your nominated fee. Thanks
Kind regards

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