Next mosaic classes and what is happening at WinterCreek Mosaics in Sydney!!

Hello, mosaic fans,
Mosaic workshops
Just a quick reminder that the next workshop at the studio is on April 6th at the studio in Dulcot. You can book (through Eventbrite) here on my website.
Creative Time in Sydney
I am on the move this week, heading to Sydney to have some creative time with Sydney mosaic artist Noula Diamantopoulos. Noula and I have collaborated in the past on a variation of my angel series, where I create the mosaic and she works some magic with encaustic waxes and beautiful inks. Below are some "raw" angels and angels with encaustic. The process is a combination of our work with Noula responding to how I have chosen colours and textures by adding her own colour and texture.
I will be taking some special material with me that I brought back from my trip to Italy so it will be interesting to see what we get up to!! Watch this space.
Look forward to seeing old and new faces at a workshop soon.
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